<div class="filter--rect">
    <input type="checkbox" id="Kentucky" name="state">
    <label for="Kentucky"> Kentucky </label>
<div class="filter--rect">
    <input type="checkbox" id="Indiana" name="state">
    <label for="Indiana"> Indiana </label>
<div class="filter--rect">
    <input type="checkbox" id="Tennessee" name="state">
    <label for="Tennessee"> Tennessee </label>
{{#each filters}}
<div class="filter--rect">
  <input type="checkbox" id="{{ id }}" name="{{ name }}">
  <label for="{{ id }}"> {{ id }} </label>
  "filters": [
      "id": "Kentucky",
      "name": "state"
      "id": "Indiana",
      "name": "state"
      "id": "Tennessee",
      "name": "state"
  • Content:
    .filter {
      position: relative;
      display: inline-block;
      margin: 0 0 .25rem;
      input {
        position: absolute;
        left: .6rem;
        opacity: 0;
      label {
        display: inline-block;
        margin: 0;
        padding: .25em .6em;
        border: solid 1px #ddd;
        background: #fff;
        text-transform: none;
        line-height: 1.4;
        letter-spacing: 0;
        cursor: pointer;
        user-select: none;
      input:checked + label {
        color: #fff;
        background: $color-active;
        border-color: transparent;
    .filter--pill {
      @extend .filter;
      label {
        border-radius: .95em;
    .filter--rect {
      @extend .filter;
      label {
        border-radius: .3em;
  • URL: /components/raw/filter/_sass.scss
  • Filesystem Path: components/02-modules/form/filter/_sass.scss
  • Size: 668 Bytes

Clickable labels with a selected/deselected state, such as may be used to filter results based on certain criteria. These are nothing more than stylized checkbox or radiobuttons w/labels. Any behavior would have to be added with JavaScript.

Variations: .filter--pill or .filter--rect